Declaration: I the undersigned claiming as the Assured/Named Beneficiary hereby authorize and request Heirs Life Assurance Limited to pay the net amount above being
by cheque/transfer payable to me in full satisfaction and discharge of all claims in respect of the above life policy. I do further solemnly and sincerely declare that I am the legal holder of this Policy/Beneficiary and that my Estate has not been sequestrated, assigned or pledged this policy either by ante-nuptial contract or otherwise to anyone, is not subject to any prior or preferment claim and has not, except in favour of the Company been encumbered in any manner whatsoever.
Account Name:
Witness Details:
Account Name
Please choose the option preferred by ticking in the box against your desired instruction.
I wish to further reinvest my maturity proceeds with Heirs Life for a period of …………months where my funds will receive attractive interest rates and accumulate wealth. YesNo
I wish to receive………% of my maturity proceeds and reinvest ……..% balance as a roll over reinvestment for a duration of..........months/year. YesNo