“An Insurance Agent who assists an applicant to complete application or proposal form for insurance shall be deemed to have done so as the agent of the applicant – Section 54 (2) Insurance Act, 2003”.
Name of Spouse(*):
Email Address(*):
Residential Address(*):
Contact Address (if different from above)(*):
Landmark Close to your Place of Residence (e.g. Police Station, Market Place, Bus Stop etc)(*):
Type of Employment(*): EmployeeSelf Employed:
Name of Employer(*):
Address of Employer(*):
Email Address of Employer(*):
Do you have any Bodily Infirmity?(*): YesNo
Have you had Heart Condition, a Stroke, Hypertension, Paralysis, Cancer, Diabetes, Kidney Failure, Liver Failure, Mental Illness, HIV Infection or AIDS?(*): YesNo
Do you currently have, or are you receiving treatment for any Symptoms, Medical Conditions or Disabilities?(*): YesNo
Have you been absent from work due to Illness or Injury for a continuous period of more than 10 days during the past one year?(*): YesNo
Are you currently pregnant? (for females only) : YesNo
If Yes, when is your Expected Date of Delivery? :
Name of Doctor: :
Doctor’s Address: :
Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or take any medicines regularly (e.g stimulants, antibiotics, sedatives etc.) : YesNo
Do you have intentions or expectations of engaging in aviation (other than as a fare paying passenger)?: YesNo
If Yes to either, Give Details::
Name of the Heirs Life Assurance Product You Want to Buy::
Are there any Additional Facts Affecting the Risk of Assurance on Your Life of which the Company Should Be Made Aware? : YesNo
If Yes, Give Details::
I/, the Life to be assured, do hereby declare that I am at present in good health and that the statements in this proposal are true and complete. I consent to Heirs Life Assurance Ltd (the Company) seeking medical evidence from any doctor who at any time has attended to me and/or seeking information from any insurance company to which I have at any time made a proposal for life assurance and I authorize the release of such information.
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge the statements in this proposal are true and complete, and together with statements which may be made to the Company’s medical examiner shall be the basis of the contract between me and the Company.
Name of Proposer :
Signature of Life to be Assured
Date (*)
Witness Name:
Signature of Witness: :
Tel. No:
Disclaimer: All premium payments are to be paid directly to Heirs Insurance Ltd UBA Account Number 101931795. Please do not pay cash to any of our representatives as they are not authorised to receive cash.